Circular Economy For The Data Centre Industry: How The Electrical and Electronic Industry Can Contribute?

May 25, 2021

CEDaCI will facilitate the implementation of a Circular Economy (CE) for CRM in NWE and reduce the environmental impact arising from the growth in redundant equipment, by simultaneously increasing materials recovery, reducing use of virgin materials and developing a secure and economically viable CRM supply chain. This will be achieved by bringing together all stakeholders (designers, manufacturers, operators, refurbishers, recyclers) in a knowledge-sharing network.

Team2, a partner in CEDaCI, hosted an exciting webinar on this project.

Attendees learnt how the CEDaCI project has been working on methods to improve the recycling of DC equipment. In order to do this, various generations and brands of equipment have been collected and dismantled

We are still further developing our databases, which are based on the disassembly, and recycling of many different types of servers but we do still require many more.

Those that are particularly in need of include:

•            DellPowerEdge R7525

•            DellPowerEdge R740 and R840

•            HPEProliant DL385

•            LenovoThinkSystem SR665

•            LenovoThinkSystem SRS5or SR590 or SR850

•            RackmountServers 2U Form Factor from Cisco, IBM and Oracle


Shipping costs will be reimbursed for any donations received and TND will issue a waste recycling certificate following the assessment and recycling of the donated equipment.