CEDaCI will build a Circular Economy for the Data Centre Industry to increase reclamation and reuse of Critical Raw Materials in the sector, extend product life through equipment reuse and remanufacture, reduce use of virgin materials, waste and environmental impact arising from the growth in redundant equipment and develop a secure and economically viable CRM supply chain for the sector.
Learn more about this by joining the Interreg NW Europe Networking Event #1 A Greener Northwest Europe!
Join online on Thursday 20 May (09:00-11:00 BST/10:00-12:00 CET) to network & learn about the impact of projects, and the future Interreg NWE programme.
About this Event
In an innovative and interactive format, this first of two events is an opportunity to:
i. Learn more about the impact of NWE projects.
ii. Network with other stakeholders working in your field.
iii. Know more about the future NWE programme.
1. Plenary session (30 minutes)
Opening by Niklas Nienass, Member of the European Parliament.
Panel discussion “From one programme to the next: achievements and perspectives”.
- Mathieu Mori, Programme Director, Interreg North-West Europe
- Liezelotte Deschryvere,Enterprise Flanders, Division Europe Economy; Chair of the North-West Europe Task Force on the Future Programme
- Anne Wetzel (tbc), Director of the Europe department for the Region Hauts-de-France, Managing Authority of the NWE Programme
2.Thematic breakout sessions (90 minutes)
Breakout sessions will showcase project results and give participants an opportunity to meet and network.
Participants are asked to register to one of the following sessions:
- Citizen-driven energy transition: With the participation of the ECCO and ENERGE projects.
- Green construction: With the participation of the FCRBE and Digital Deconstruction projects.
- Green hydrogen highway: With the participation of the H2SHIPS, HECTOR, FCCP andHyTrEc2 (Interreg North Sea Region) projects.
- Resource recovery: With the participation of the RE-DIRECT, THREE C and CEDaCI projects.
- Smart energy systems: With the participation of the RED WoLF and HeatNetNWE projects.
Each session will be divided up into two parts:
- Presentations by Joint Secretariat and Contact Points on what the programme has achieved up to now (including project examples), and what is coming up in the future programme.
- Open networking sessions – 40 minutes (2 rounds of 20 minutes).
Participants will have the possibility to host virtual roundtables to either:
- Present their project results.
- Exchange on needs and challenges.
- Look for synergies
- Discuss a project idea for the future programme.
If you wish to host a virtual roundtable, please briefly describe the topic of your presentation in the registration form. Organisers will contact you after 10 May to let you know if your proposal was selected or not. The deadline to do this is 10 May 2021 at 11:00 BST/ 12:00 CET. Registration is free of charge, but mandatory.